
"Never offend a woman
For God counts her tears.
Woman was made from the rib of man,
She was not created from his head to top him,
Nor from his feet to be stepped upon,
She was made from his side to be close to him,
From beneath his arm to be protected by him,
Near his heart to be loved by him"



Mideast: Islam--The Unifying Force (1978)
The Dervishes of Kurdistan (1987)
One God (1977)
Islam: The Prophet and the People (1975)
Islamic Mysticism: The Sufi Way (1971)
The Holy Qur'an (Koran) (19??)
Islam and the Sciences (1978)
Islam, the Veil and the Future (1979)
Saints and Spirits (1979)
The Holy Koran (1982)
Who Will Cast the First Stone? (1989)
Arab and Jew: Wounded Spirits in a Promised Land (1989)
The Arab World (1988)
The Message (1977)
Hamsin (1983)
The Suitors (1988)
The Story of Islam (1989)
Bill Moyers: The Arab World (1991)
A Wife from My Enemies (1990)
Planting Seeds for Peace (1988)
Jerusalem: City of David (19??)
Story of Islam: The Coming of the Prophet (1991)
Giant in the Gulf (1991)
Islam: The Faith and the People (1991)
Faith and Belief: An Overview of World Religions (1992)
Jihad (19??)
Islam, America (1988)
Jordan's Stormy Banks: 1991 (1991)
Planting Seeds for Peace/The Future Is in Your Hands (1988)
Islam in America (19??)
Living Islam: What It Means to Be a Muslim in Today's World (1993)
The Cities of Islam: Dubai (1991)
The Cities of Islam: Lahore (1991)
Lessons from Gulam: Asian Music in Bradford (19??)
The Essence of Religion (19??)
Democracy in Crisis (1991)
Islam and Feminism (1991)
Recording the Truth (1991)
Word Power in Islamic Art (1992)
Great Religions of the World (19??)
Malcolm X: Make It Plain (1995)
Introduction to the Arab World (1989)
The Shadow of God on Earth (1978)
Daughters of the Nile (19??)
The Sufi Way: Islamic Mysticism (19??)
South: Recording the Truth (1991)
Al-Tasmim (1995)
My Son the Fanatic (1997)
Hosay Trinidad (1999)
Leila (1997)
Crimes of Honour (1998)
Beyond the Veil: The Born Again Muslims (1998)
Beyond the Veil: The Holy Warriors (1998)
Beyond the Veil: The New Cold War? (1998)
Egypt: The Fear and the Faith (1997)
Sudan: The Harsher Face of Islam (1995)
Iranian Journey (2000)
The Veiled Hope: Women of Palestine (1994)
In My Father's House (1997)
Voices of the Morning (1992)
Conversations across the Bosphorous (1995)
A Tajik Woman (1994)
Divorce Iranian Style (1998)
My Heart Is My Witness (1996)
Women of Niger (1993)
Honey & Ashes (1996)
The Wisdom of Faith: Islam (????)
I Am a Sufi, I Am a Muslim (????)
Ashes in the River: Islam: The Five Pillars of Faith (????)
Shackled Women: Abuses of a Patriarchal World (????)
Quest for Change (1994)
My Journey, My Islam (1999)
The Hajj--One American's Pilgrimage to Mecca: Nightline (1997)
Religions of the World: Islam (1998)
The Story of Islam: Faith and Nations (1983)
Monsieur Ibrahim (2003)
Osama (2003)
Silent Waters (2003)
Paradise Now (2005)
Looking for Comedy in the Muslim World (2006)
Sorry, Haters (2005)
The Keeper: The Legend of Omar Khayyam (2005)

1 comment:

  1. Vaatasin "Monsieur Ibrahim" - peaosas Omar Sharif
    Lugu juudi poisist ja vanemast moslemihärrast Prantsusmaa tänavail.
