
"Never offend a woman
For God counts her tears.
Woman was made from the rib of man,
She was not created from his head to top him,
Nor from his feet to be stepped upon,
She was made from his side to be close to him,
From beneath his arm to be protected by him,
Near his heart to be loved by him"


Vead Ramadani ajal

Saabumas on püha Ramadanikuu, mil moslemid on täis ärevust ja ootust. Ramadanikuu muudab religiooseks ka need moslemid, kes tavapäeval on usu teisele plaanile jätnud. Just sellel kuul tunned, et meid on palju, tunned tuge ja usku ning tahet õppida ja islami maailma avastada.
Ramadanist saab EESTI keeles lugeda SIIT.

1. Osad naised ei järgi soovitatud meetmeid ja sõnu, mida tuleb lausuda enne kohustuslikku palvust ja/või pärast seda. Samuti nad palvetades paljud ei pühendu täielikult ning palvetatakse kiiresti.
2. Osad naised lõpetavad saum'i e. paastu tundes, et nende menstruatsioon on alanud, kuid pole veel vereeritust näinud.
3.Osad naised ekslikult arvavad, et söögivalmistamisel toidu maitsmine on keelatud (enne oli sõna keelatud asemel lubatud. Artikkel muudetud.)
4.Häbenetakse kasutada ehteid, meiki ja parfüümi kodus (mehe jaoks) päevasel ajal.
5. Arvatakse, et verejooks ninast või väljatõmmatud hammast katkestab paastu. Tegelikult see nii ei ole.
6. Ahvatleda abikaasat päevasel ajal kuni intiimsuseni. Ramadani ajal naine peab vastupidi meest toetama ning meelde tuletama, et Ramadani kuu päevasel ajal on intiimsuhted keelatud isegi abikaasade vahel.
7. Osad naised aga eksivad mõeldes, et ka öösiti seksuaalvahekord abikaasaga on rangelt keelatud. See on aga vale. Öösiti võib vahekorras olla lausa fajrini ja see olgu halal.
8.Mõned naised aga on Ramadani ajal vihased, karjuvad, löövad lapsi, sõimavad abikaasat ning viidavad kõike just paastu peale. Ramadan tegelikult on aga kannatlikuse "treening", mil naine ja kõik teised moslemid peaksid end tagasi hoidma ning mõtlema vaid heale.
9.Paljud naised veedavad köögis liiga palju aega, unustades palvetamise
10.Osad naised aga meelega käivad poodides, ostavad mittevajalikke asju, käivad pidustustel, mis on väljaspool nende kodu.
11. Osad naised lubavad oma tütardel mitte paastuda isegi kui need on juba suguküpsed. Põhjuseks on: "ta on veel liiga väike selle jaoks".
12. Paljud naised sunnivad lapsi keelduma paastust, et ei langeks nende õppeedukus.

Kindlasti meie õdedel on ka midagi omalt poolt lisada. Ärge häbenege kommenteerida - teie arvamus on meile tähtis!


Õige toitumine

Kes meist ei tahaks ilusat taljet? Kas tuleb olla sale vaid selleks, et end ilusana tunda teiste silmis? Meie mehed armastavad meid sellistena nagu me oleme - paksud, kõhnad, pikad, lühikesed, blondid või kohukesed.
KUID! Olla sale = olla terve. Tihti peale aga liigne kehakaal näitab, et inimese organism ei tööta nii nagu peab. Liigne kehakaal koormab üle põhiliselt südame, maksa ja sapipõie, mis on organismi ühed põhilisemad mootorid ja filtrid.
Dieet mängib väga olulist rolli moslemi igapäeva elus. On leitud mitmeid värsse Püha Koraanis, mis kutsuvad inimest oma keha, hinge, iseloomu ning nendevahelisi suhteid hoolikalt uurima. Tehes seda, leiad sa kindlaid tõendeid, et Jumal on olemas ja igal asjal siin Ilmas on olemas oma eesmärk.
“O’ Believers! Eat of the good and pure (lawful) that We have provided you with and be grateful to Allah, if you truly worship Him.” (2:172)

Moslemitele on soovitav süüa puhtaid ja kasulikke toitaineid.

“O People! Eat of what is lawful and good on the Earth and do not follow the footsteps of Shaitaan, for he is your open enemy.” (2:168)

Pühas Koraanis on mainitud mida tohib usklik süüa

“He (Allah) has only forbidden you (from eating) dead animals, blood, the flesh of swine, and that (animal) over which the name of other than Allah has been invoked.” (2:173, 16:115)

Viimases ülaltoodud värsis on mainitud neli absoluutselt keelatud asja, mille keelu põhjust teab vaid Jumal. Samas on tänaseks tehtud juba hulk uuringuid, et vere, raipe ja sealiha söömine on inimese tervisele kahjulik.
On ka muid keelatuid ained, mida on mainitud teistes Koraani värssides. Näiteks suuras al-Ma’idah räägitakse, et on keelatud eelmainitud neli ainet, kuid samuti on keelatud valesti tapetuid loomi. Näiteks haram on süüa looma, kes oli järgnevatel viisidel tapetud: kägistatud, löögitagajärjel surnud, eelnevalt metslooma poolt kistud. Keelatud on ka nende looma liha, keda on tapetud varjujumala/jumalate nimel.
Püha Koraanis leidub ka viiteid tervislikust ja tasakaalustatud toidust ning ainetest, mida vajab sinu organism, et end vormis hoida. Tervislik toitumisviis hõlmab endas nii valku kui ka loomset- ja taimset rasva, kaltsiumi, soola, rauda jne. Õige balanseeritud dieet / toitumine peab koosnema lihast, kalast, piimatoodetest (nt. juust) ja puuviljad.

“And the cattle, He has created them for you, in them there is warmth (clothing) and numerous benefits, and of them you eat.” (16:5)

Samuti on mainitud, et süüa tohib erinevate loomade/lindude liha

“And the flesh of fowls that they desire.” (56:21)

Kala on alati teatud, kui väga proteiinirikas liha, mis on hädavajalik inimese organismi arenguks.

“And from them both (fresh and salt water) you eat fresh tender meat (fish).”

Värse piima tähtsus on mainitud järgmises värsis:

“And verily in the cattle there is a lesson for you. We give you to drink of that which is in their bellies, from between excretion and blood, pure milk, palatable to the drinkers.” (16:66)

Välja ei jäänud ka valik puuvilju ja juurvilju, mida iga päev vajab inimeseorganism

“It is He who sends down rain from the sky, and with it We bring forth vegetation of all kinds, and out of it We bring forth thick clustered grain. And out of the date palm and its spate come clusters of dates hanging low and near, and gardens of grapes, olives and pomegranates each similar (in kind) yet different (in variety and taste). Look at their fruits when then begin to bear, and the ripeness thereof.”

Islam õpetab ja nõustab moslemit kuidas õigesti toituda. Usklikul on soovitav olla mõõdukas igas elu aspektis. Püha Koranis leidub ka otsene viide mõõdukast toitumisest:

“And eat and drink, but waste not in extravagance, certainly He (Allah) likes not those who waste in extravagance.”





Mideast: Islam--The Unifying Force (1978)
The Dervishes of Kurdistan (1987)
One God (1977)
Islam: The Prophet and the People (1975)
Islamic Mysticism: The Sufi Way (1971)
The Holy Qur'an (Koran) (19??)
Islam and the Sciences (1978)
Islam, the Veil and the Future (1979)
Saints and Spirits (1979)
The Holy Koran (1982)
Who Will Cast the First Stone? (1989)
Arab and Jew: Wounded Spirits in a Promised Land (1989)
The Arab World (1988)
The Message (1977)
Hamsin (1983)
The Suitors (1988)
The Story of Islam (1989)
Bill Moyers: The Arab World (1991)
A Wife from My Enemies (1990)
Planting Seeds for Peace (1988)
Jerusalem: City of David (19??)
Story of Islam: The Coming of the Prophet (1991)
Giant in the Gulf (1991)
Islam: The Faith and the People (1991)
Faith and Belief: An Overview of World Religions (1992)
Jihad (19??)
Islam, America (1988)
Jordan's Stormy Banks: 1991 (1991)
Planting Seeds for Peace/The Future Is in Your Hands (1988)
Islam in America (19??)
Living Islam: What It Means to Be a Muslim in Today's World (1993)
The Cities of Islam: Dubai (1991)
The Cities of Islam: Lahore (1991)
Lessons from Gulam: Asian Music in Bradford (19??)
The Essence of Religion (19??)
Democracy in Crisis (1991)
Islam and Feminism (1991)
Recording the Truth (1991)
Word Power in Islamic Art (1992)
Great Religions of the World (19??)
Malcolm X: Make It Plain (1995)
Introduction to the Arab World (1989)
The Shadow of God on Earth (1978)
Daughters of the Nile (19??)
The Sufi Way: Islamic Mysticism (19??)
South: Recording the Truth (1991)
Al-Tasmim (1995)
My Son the Fanatic (1997)
Hosay Trinidad (1999)
Leila (1997)
Crimes of Honour (1998)
Beyond the Veil: The Born Again Muslims (1998)
Beyond the Veil: The Holy Warriors (1998)
Beyond the Veil: The New Cold War? (1998)
Egypt: The Fear and the Faith (1997)
Sudan: The Harsher Face of Islam (1995)
Iranian Journey (2000)
The Veiled Hope: Women of Palestine (1994)
In My Father's House (1997)
Voices of the Morning (1992)
Conversations across the Bosphorous (1995)
A Tajik Woman (1994)
Divorce Iranian Style (1998)
My Heart Is My Witness (1996)
Women of Niger (1993)
Honey & Ashes (1996)
The Wisdom of Faith: Islam (????)
I Am a Sufi, I Am a Muslim (????)
Ashes in the River: Islam: The Five Pillars of Faith (????)
Shackled Women: Abuses of a Patriarchal World (????)
Quest for Change (1994)
My Journey, My Islam (1999)
The Hajj--One American's Pilgrimage to Mecca: Nightline (1997)
Religions of the World: Islam (1998)
The Story of Islam: Faith and Nations (1983)
Monsieur Ibrahim (2003)
Osama (2003)
Silent Waters (2003)
Paradise Now (2005)
Looking for Comedy in the Muslim World (2006)
Sorry, Haters (2005)
The Keeper: The Legend of Omar Khayyam (2005)

Pulmad hotellis


What is your opinion about the parties that are held in hotels?

The parties that are held in hotels have many things wrong about them and may be criticised for many reasons.

First, they are usually done extravagantly and beyond what is needed.

Second, this leads to the extra financial burden of having wedding parties in hotels and the presence of people for whom there is no need.

Third, it may lead to mixing between men and women of the hotel and others. This mixing is a disgraceful evil. This is why the leading scholars issued a decree and gave it to the King advising him not to allow parties and wedding parties to be held in hotels. Instead, they said, the wedding parties should be held in the houses and hotels should not be hired, as such wedding parties lead to lots of evil.

Similar is the case with halls that are rented for a great deal of money. This advice was all concluded out of concern for the people, economic considerations, avoiding of extravagance and luxury. Also, this will allow those who are of middle class to be able to afford to get married and will not be a great burden upon them. If they see their cousin or relative getting married in an expensive hotel party, he must compete with him to do something similar. This will drive him to borrow money. Otherwise, he may have to delay his marriage out of fear of such heavy expenses.

My advice to all Muslim brethren is that they should not hold their wedding parties in such hotels nor in the expensive halls that are rented for this purpose. They should hold them in inexpensive halls or not hold them in halls at all. To hold them in the houses is preferred anyway. Or one could hold them in his relatives’ house if that is possible.

Shaykh `Abdul-`Azeez Bin Baz
Islamic Fatawa Regarding Women - Darussalam Pg. 175



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